Photo of the Day – Monkeys in Ubud, Bali


The monkeys in the Sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud, Bali  have lost all fear of humans and most animals due to the 10,000 tourist per month.  While we were there guides instructed the visitors on the Do’s and Don’ts to safely react to the monkeys.  The forest of about 27 acres of wandering paths contains Hindu temples for bathing and creamation, as well as over 115 species of trees.

Mom and their babies are quite attached and a lot of fun to watch and photograph.

Two Monkeys Mom & Baby

Feeding the monkeys is fun and safe if done according to the guides instructions.

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Our hotel, Tegal Sari, is in the middle of rice fields.  Today we were able to get up close a personal photos of the women who do the rice harvesting the old  fashioned way.


The evening ended with dinner on tables and chairs in the sand on Jimaran Bay, which is know for the best sunsets in Bali.




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