Photo of the Day – Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul, Turkey


Dolmabahce Palace Entrance

Dolmabahce Palace Entrance

The Dolmabahce Palace is one of the most glamorous palaces in the world.  It’s a blend of European architectural styles that became a symbol of Ottoman modernization. Commissioned by the Sultan Abdulmecid in 1843, it was completed in 1856.

Here’s John & Sandy greeting Ambassadors arriving on the Bosphorous.

John & Sandy greeting Ambassadors on the Bosphorous

John & Sandy greeting Ambassadors on the Bosphorous

This was our favorite place in Istanbul.  Dolmabahce means filled-in garden. It’s very beautiful outside and inside!!!

Dolmabahce Palace - View from Bosphoros

Dolmabahce Palace – View from Bosphorous

Even in the 1850’s they had gated communities! Here is the entrance gate that Ambassadors from countries all over the world passed through.

Entrance gate

Entrance gate

The Ambassador’s Hall is where guests would first wait to be received.

Ambassador's Hall

Ambassador’s Hall

The staircase is made of Baccarat crystal, brass, and mahogany. The Palace has the largest collection of Baccarat in the world.

Crystal Stairs

Crystal Stairs

Guests would be taken from the Ambassador’s Hall to the Reception Chamber though this beautiful passageway.

Passage Hall

Passage Hall

The designers of the Paris Opera, Sechan and Gadre, were brought to Istanbul to do the interiors of the Palace.  These are the original decorations, furniture, silk carpets and curtains.

Ambassador Reception Chamber

Ambassador Reception Chamber

The Ballroom is 2,000 square meters with a huge silk and wool Hereke Carpet.



A 4.5 ton chandelier hangs from the 36 meter high dome. One of the largest in the world.

Ceremonial Hall Chandelier

Ceremonial Hall Chandelier

A smaller but more colorful chandelier was one of the many chandeliers in the palace.

Colorful Chandelier

Colorful Chandelier

The Harem contained the private rooms for the Sultan and his family, including his mother, wives and favorites, concubines and children.

Sultan's Chamber in Harem

Sultan’s Chamber in Harem

Ataturk spent the last days of his life in the Palace as his health deteriorated. He died on November 10, 1938.

Ataturk's Bedroom

Ataturk’s Bedroom



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