January 22, 2023 – Photo of the Day – Cruising The Pacific Ocean

James Grant-Peterkin presented the theories of how the Moai statues on Easter Island were moved by either rolling or rocking them.

Where in the World are we?

Today’s Overview
Today’s Morning Schedule
Today’s Afternoon Schedule

James Grant-Peterkin | Featured Lecturer

Rocking or Rolling?

Discover how Easter Island’s iconic statues were carved and transported.

James Grant-Peterkin is a Cambridge University graduate and the British Honorary Consul on Easter Island. He has been studying Polynesian culture, linguistics, and archaeology for over 20 years, most of those while living on Easter Island, and is the author of the guidebook “A Companion to Easter Island”. He has lectured extensively on Eastern Polynesia on cruise ships and at educational institutions worldwide.

500 Easter Island moai were moved out of the quarry along a network of roads to platforms called ahu all over the island. The largest of the moved moai is over 33 feet tall and weighs approximately 81.5 tons. Theories on how they were moved.

Today we learned about Celestial Navigation using a sextant and an extremely accurate type of clock called a chronometer.

Heidi Hart presented “A Taste of Tahita”, an Iaorana from Polynesia Polynesia on a little culture, food, and traditions of Tahiti.

The “Where In The World Party” joined friends and fellow guests who lived in our area of the world to meet each other.

We had late-night laughter at the “Liar’s Club” as an expert panel tried to convince us they were telling the truth.

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