Monday, January 9, 2023 – Photo of the Day – Day at Sea

Where in the World Are We?

Terry Bishop | Featured Lecturer
From Settlement to Exploration and Independence
Terry Bishop was raised and educated in the west of England. For 35 years he was a psychiatric nurse, a child protection social worker, and a senior manager in Youth Justice and Child Care.
Terry has led groups of walkers/explorers across many of the battlefields of Europe and has explored historic sites in the USA, Africa, and beyond. He has trekked the foothills of the Himalayas, ventured across the Namib Desert, and driven relief supplies from England to Belarus post-Chornobyl.
A real-life Troubadour, he seeks to inform and entertain, incorporating humor, music, and song. Terry is also an accomplished folk musician and has produced two films on social issues.
He and his wife Julie share their time when not cruising between homes in Rochester, England, and Andalusia, Southern Spain.

Steven Rivellino l Enrichment Speaker
Discover how Broadway Shows are produced, financed, and marketed
Steven Rivellino is an accomplished writer, lecturer, and producer of theatrical entertainment.
He has worked successfully on both sides of the Atlantic—with credits spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, television, and the corporate arena. From 1982 to 1990 he was Vice President and General Manager of Radio City Music Hall in New York—a time during which he produced The Grammy Awards, The MTV Video Music Awards, numerous concerts, and special events, and of course the celebrated Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
A member of the Circumnavigators Club, he has traveled the world extensively—far north of the Arctic Circle, south to Antarctica; from the Greenwich Meridian, and east to the International Date Line.