Photo of the Day – The Azadi Tower


Tehran Gate

Azadi Tower

Most travelers drive past this “Freedom Tower” on their way into Tehran. Originally built in 1971, it was part of the cultural complex named the King Memorial. Several fountains and gardens are around the base and there is a museum underground. We made a photo stop here on our way to the domestic airport.

Tehran Bazaar was especially busy this Friday afternoon. Tomorrow is Father’s Day in Iran. Just like our Father’s Day, you would buy a present for fathers and grandfathers. The difference was all men were to be honored and celebrated. So you would buy presents for all the men in your life!!! Lots of presents to buy!Tehran Bazaar



These two young guys were ready to celebrate “Men’s Day” and wanted Americans to take their photos!  Please!

...please take our pictures!

…please take our pictures!

Would flowers would make a good present for an Iranian man? Our guide, a young man himself, thought that was good!




A gift of nuts and dried fuits would be very welcome! Great presents already in boxes for the men tomorrow.


nuts and dried fruits

Spices and dried foods were piled high throughout the bazaar.  Wonderful colors and so fragrant!  Beautiful to see!



There is no shortage of clothing at the Tehran Bazaar! Big, small, short or tall – you could find everything for everybody here!

never a shortage of clothes

never a shortage of clothes

Lots and lots of sandals…. With the coming of summer, everyone was in the market for new sandals. In all colors!

every color of shoes

every color of sandals

Some special occasion dishes. Most of this bazaar is for locals and everyday needs. But there are souvenirs, too!


Iranian souvenirs

Some beautiful artwork to take home! The Iranians make many, many lovely things to bring home for friends and family.



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