Photo of the Day – Cappadocia’s Moon-Scaped Region


erosion has moulded Cappadocia

Located in south central Turkey, Cappadocia is an hour flight from Istanbul.  This unique landscape is worth the trip!

Volcanic eruptions created these surreal rock formations. The lava flowed to form “tuff-rock” which thousand of years

of rain and wind erosion sculpted into curvy cliff faces and pointy conical formations, know locally as “fairy chimneys.”

fairy chimneys

fairy chimneys

Ballooning is big business in the region. Floating high above this other-worldly landscape is an incredible sight!

Your hotel pick-up is 4:30am. Free coffee included…  Up to 100 balloons can be in the air on any morning!

hot-air balloons over Cappadocia

hot-air balloons over Cappadocia

This was Sandy’s first hot-air balloon trip and John’s second. Both were really happy to be taking this trip!

pre=flight photo

pre-flight photo

There were 20 people in our basket including the pilot. All cameras were clicking. You wanted to catch everything!

Large basket for 20 photographers

Large basket for 20 photographers

Balloon rides are one hour long and early in the morning because of the temperature and wind. We loved every minute!

best way to see the region

best way to see the region

We had a soft landing in a field of flowers! Our “chase team” met us with a bottle of champagne to celebrate our great adventure!

Champagne Toast

Champagne Toast

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