Photo of the Day – Hagia Sophia


Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

The Hagia Sophia was built in 537 as a Greek Orthodox, Byzantine Church.

From 1455 to 1931 it was converted to an Imperial Mosque and opened as a museum in 1935.

It’s full name in Greek is Shrine of the Holy Wisdom of God.

Hagia Sophia was beautifully decorated with mosaics in the centuries during the Byzantine period.

These mosaics depicted the Virgin Mary, Jesus, saints, emperors and empresses.



During the Ottoman occupation in 1453, mosaics were whitewashed or plastered when the Hagia Sophia was used as a mosque.

Many mosaics were removed and shipped to Venice. The earthquake of 1894 also destroyed some of the beautiful mosaics.

Virgin Mary with Christ Child

Virgin Mary with Christ Child

Shopping is part of your visit to Istanbul!  Rugs, gold jewelry, ceramics and spices! At the bazaars and everywhere on the streets.

Grand Bazaar

Grand Bazaar

The Grand Bazaar had changed the most from our trip ten years ago. Today it’s light and clean, with only standard souvenirs.

Years ago it was a dark, mysterious place, filled with all things oriental. It was amazing! We wanted to buy everything we saw!

Grand Bazaar Istanbul

Grand Bazaar Istanbul

Today there are rugs, scarves, and every kind of souvenir. But we missed the dark corners, the intrique, and the special finds of the old days!

Gold Jewelry

Gold Jewelry


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