Photo of the Day – Palais Khum in Marrakech


Palais Khum Lobby

Palais Khum Lobby

Sandy had friends from her international book club who had recently stayed at Palais Klum and recommended it highly.

We agree!!!

Palais Khum is a riad with eleven guest rooms.  A riad is a traditional Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden or  courtyard.  The word riad comes from the Arabian term for garden, “ryad”.  The outside mud walls have no windows so the entrance to these houses is a major transitional experience because the interior consists of courtyards, fountains, pools, trees, and lush vegetation around central atriums.  Many riads have been recently restored as small hotels.

We were greeted by the gracious staff and offered cool mint tea to refresh ourselves from our journey.

The owner Stefano Scaleri came to give us a personal welcome.  He is a charming Italian man and the ultimate host.

He personally designed and rebuilt this taking over four years.  He proudly points out that this a “Palais”, not a traditional riad, because is considerably over 10,000 square feet.  Every detail has been done with great style.

Sandy in Palais Khum Lobby

Sandy in Palais Khum Lobby

The eleven rooms are individually decorated using different themes.   Each room is tastefully furnished with an exotic Moroccan flair of carved doors, lattice windows, antique wall hangings, and unique architectural decorations.

Enjoy a few of the rooms below.

El Basha Suite

El Basha Suite

Hamra Suite

Hamra Suite

Arabia Suite

Arabia Suite

Visir Suite

Visir Suite

The indoor pool featured an elaborately tin sculpted chandelier that emitted thousands of points of light, a large wall mosaic, and full length glass doors that opened onto two gardens.

Sandy at Indoor Pool

Sandy at Indoor Pool

We relaxed in the patio gardens after a dip in the pool.

Sandy in on of the garden patios

Sandy in one of the garden patios


John by pool

John by pool

Breakfast was served at the Kremm Cafe which opened to one of the courtyards to allow indoor or outdoor seating.

Kremm Cafe

Kremm Cafe

Kremm Cafe outdoor seating

Kremm Cafe outdoor lunch

Lunch at Kremm Cafe

Lunch at Kremm Cafe

On top of Palais Khum is a massive terrace overlooking Marrakech’s medina, the old city within the 12th century fortress walls.  There is plenty of room for sun bathing, receptions, parties, lunch, dinner, and great evening vistas.

Lunch on terrace

Lunch on rooftop terrace

Rooftop Terrace at dusk

Rooftop Terrace at dusk

Food photos have been popular because they are so different from our usual cuisine.  We have had a lot of fun learning about the traditional foods, the way they are cooked, and how they are served in these countries.  It has been a great adventure.

The Ristorante at Palais Khum serves a variety of Moroccan, Mediterranean, and Italian dishes.

That evening we sat outside in the courtyard with subdued lighting and the stars above.

John & Sandy courtyard dinner under the stars

John & Sandy courtyard dinner under the stars



Sandy chose the Mediterranean course of a salad of tomato and mozzarella cheese, and entree of vegetable and chicken kabobs.

Sandy's mozzarella and tomato salad

Sandy’s mozzarella and tomato salad with olive oil, pesto, and other and fresh herbs

Sandy's Mediterranean kabobs

Sandy’s Mediterranean kabobs


John chose the Moroccan course of an appetizer of a variety of puffed pastries containing vegetable, chicken and beef, and a Tagine prepared slow cooked lamb, olives, and vegetables.

John's puffed pastry appetizer and Sandy's mozzarella and tomato salad

John’s puffed pastry appetizer and Sandy’s mozzarella and tomato salad


John's Tagine prepared lamb, onions, and vegetables

John’s Tagine prepared lamb, onions, and vegetables





Tagine Pot

Tagine Pot

A Tagine is a pot is formed of natural clay which is sometimes painted or glazed. It consists of a base unit that is flat and circular with low sides and a large dome-shaped cover that sits on the base during cooking. The cover is designed to promote the return of all moisture to the bottom base. Tagine is traditionally slow cooked over hot charcoal.

Think of it as a 12th century Moroccan pottery version of the cast iron Le Creuset French oven.

All our tagine prepared meals were savory, tender, and delicious. The only problem we had is we could not stop eating when full because they were SO GOOD!

It was a great evening capped off by a dessert made from four types of chocolate.

For Chocoholics Only

For Chocoholics Only

For us, the Palais Khum was better in many respects than 4 and 5 star hotels.  Since it is a boutique hotel with only eleven rooms, there were no crowds.  All the hotel staff from the maids to the front desk to the waiters all seemed to know your name and were always very gracious.  Many times we felt as if we were in our own mansion or palace with our own staff serving us like royalty.

In addition to the facilities we have shown you above, the Palais Khum also has a Deco Bar, a bakery, and retro coffee bar, a library relaxation area, a spa, two Hammans (a deluxe Moroccan bath), an art gallery, and a gift shop.

It is ideally located in Dar El Bacha, considered in many prestigious touring guides, as the most fascinating street of the old town centre of the Marrakech medina.

As with Sandy’s international book club friends, we now recommend Palais Khum highly!






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