Tag: Ecuador
Monday, January 16, 2023 – Photo of the Day – Manta, Ecuador

Where in the world are we?

We traveled back over a thousand years to an active archaeological site showcasing artifacts from the culture that dominated the Manta region long before the Spaniards arrived. Our guide provided an enlightening background on the area’s pre-Columbian residents such as the Valdivia people, whose pottery fragments are the oldest found anywhere in South America.
At the Cerro Jaboncillo archaeological site, we observed what remains of a complex society that controlled large parts of this region between 900 and 1500 AD. Relics found here and on display tell the story of a highly developed culture that used the sea to extend their culture as far as the California Gulf, Mexico, Chile, and Peru.
Among the most impressive sights are the massive U-shaped stone “power seats” used by the Manteño notables. Our visit provided a memorable glimpse into the story of a once-dominant civilization that has all but vanished.

Steven Rivellino l Enrichment Speaker
The Phantom and The Paris Opera House
Steven Rivellino is an accomplished writer, lecturer, and producer of theatrical entertainment.
He has worked successfully on both sides of the Atlantic—with credits spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, television, and the corporate arena. From 1982 to 1990 he was Vice President and General Manager of Radio City Music Hall in New York—a time during which he produced The Grammy Awards, The MTV Video Music Awards, numerous concerts, and special events, and of course the celebrated Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
A member of the Circumnavigators Club, he has traveled the world extensively—far north of the Arctic Circle, south to Antarctica; from the Greenwich Meridian, and east to the International Date Line.

Tonight’s dinner pictures