Thursday, February 17, 2022 – Photo of the Day – Tristan de Cunha

Arrival: 7:30AM All Aboard: 12:00NOON / Departure: 12:15PM AT 2 PM – NAVIGATE TRISTAN DA CUNHA
TODAY’S WEATHER Partly Cloudy High: 50°F 10°C Low: 47°F 8°C
No shorts or flip-flop-type footwear after 6:00 PM in indoor venues

Today’s Schedule
7:30 Silver Whisper is scheduled to anchor off Nightingale Island (weather permitting)
12:00 ALL ABOARD! LAST ZODIAC. Silver Whisper prepares to sail
12:15 Silver Whisper sails for Tristan Da Cunha Island
2:00 Silver Whisper navigates the Island of Tristan Da Cunha
9:45 Showtime! Tenor Shimi Goodman and Piano Showman Chris Hamilton: “Tiano”.
After 5 days of rough sailing, we were delighted to arrive at Tristian de Cunha on a bright sunny day with calm seas. Tristan has no Covid cases so were not able to go ashore. We were able to take Zodiacs to see the Penguins and Seals on Nightingale Island. (See map above). Next, we were able to navigate around Tristan de Cunha to see the tiny, quaint settlement of 241 inhabitants called Edinburgh of the Seven Seas. More about that later, enjoy the pictures now.

200,000 pairs lived up to their name as they hopped up to cliff face with remarkable agility for creatures that look so ungainly. They shared the amazing volcanic formations that form the island with 20,000 fur seals. Both slipped in and out of the water easily. On this gorgeous morning were so many birds swooping around: gulls, terns, petrels, skuas, most important 20,000 pairs of albatrosses.
The trip from our ship was on calm seas, but the trip back was rocky but not bad. Reboarding was rougher as our Zodiac had to make 2 – 3 passes to finally get lashed up to the embarkation deck. Getting off the Zodiac was a challenge since the swells were 4 – 5 feet. We had to time our step to the top of the Zodiac, then we had to time our step to the boarding steps with the unpredictable swells. Fortunately, there were 4 crew members, 2 on the Zodiac to grab our life vest back strap and hold our forearms to stabilize us, and 2 onboard to grab each of our forearms in a “Sailor’s Handshake” to help us step safely aboard. Then we went through the biosecurity checks and ID check-in.

The only tine portion of land that’s habitable is a tiny village named “Edinburgh of the Seven Seas”. It is a scattering of metal and stone houses and included a school, churches, a hospital, administrative, and fish processing buildings. To the East was a pasture with cows dotted on the grass and a small area of allotments called Potato Patches. Potatoes were once the national currency since early citizens felt you would never starve if you had a reliable supply of potatoes. When our Captain sounded our ship’s horn the school children ran outside to wave at us in the distance as if to say “Please rescue us”. The cattle that were previously scatted like dots on the east hillside ran frightened to the northern fences to escape the ship’s horn as if to be protected. Although we wished we could have come ashore and said hello, we enjoyed views that very few people on this planet see.

At least 4,000 species of bird are regular migrants, which is about 40 percent of the total number of birds in the world.
Birds can reach great heights as they migrate. Bar-headed geese are the highest-flying migratory birds, regularly reaching altitudes of up to five and a half miles above sea level while flying over the Himalayas in India.
The Arctic tern has the longest migration of any bird in the world. These black-capped, red-billed birds can fly more than 49,700 miles in a year, making a round trip between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and the Antarctic, where they spend their winters. The lucky bird gets to see two summers a year! And over its lifespan of more than 30 years, the flights
can add up to the equivalent of three trips to the moon and back.
The award for fastest bird goes to the great snipe: It flies around 4,200 miles at speeds of up to 60mph! No other animal travels at such speeds for such long distances.

Shimi Goodman and Chris Hamilton met at Guildford School of Acting twenty-one years ago and have been making music ever since.
Together they form the exciting Tenor & Piano duo -Tiano.
These two world-class performers truly put the class into classical as they take the audience on a journey of musical styles from classical to popular. The genre “classical crossover” perfectly describes their style since everything they present from Mario Lanza to Elton John is informed by a highly developed musicianship, which never fails to entertain.
Shimi has performed in many West End shows including Evita and Chicago and in 2017 Chris won the prestigious Silversea Guest Entertainer of the Year Award. He is also an award-winning writer

North Sails was founded in 1957 by Lowell North, an American sailor, and Olympic Gold Medalist. Year after year, Lowell North and his team pioneered new innovative technologies that conquered wind and water.
Today Lowell North’s inspiration lives on in North Sails apparel, as it is designed and developed so that our customers can focus on what’s important for them – taking on the sea or just navigating modern life.

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